Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bad Dreams...

* When I was growing up, I had a reoccurring dream every year. It had to do with me having a sleep over at my best friend Jenn's house. In my dream, it was a very spooky, old, 2-story house. Some how, she and her mom turned demonic and were trying to kill me. They chased me up into the attic. The only way out was for me to jump out the window...the random stained glass window. So, I did. I landed badly in their back yard, broke my legs, and couldn't get away before their possessed dog got me.

* When I was in high school, I had a dream that my family sent me away to a hospital for people who smiled too much. They used shock treatments to treat me. Every time I smiled, they'd shock me. So when I finally got back home, we were sitting around the table eating dinner, and everybody was laughing and having fun...except for me. So then (in unison) my family said, "Geez, Tracy, you should lighten up a're no fun anymore!"

* Mason once woke up screaming about dowillas (gorillas). After I calmed him down, I finally managed to convince him that there were no gorillas in his room. But then as I was leaving, he (still half asleep) said, "But Mommy, what about your woom?! The dowillas might twy to det you!" I had to bring him in to my room to check my closet and under my bed before he finally went back to sleep!

* Mason's most memorable bad dream was about a dragon. He crawled into bed with me, and was still kind of crying when he said, "Mommy, there was a dwagon twying to eat me. And he said I was a juicy one." He was so upset, but I had to keep myself from laughing. He still brings it up every once in a while. He'll say, "Hey, do you remember when that dragon called me a juicy one?" I'll say, "yes". He'll say, "Yeah, that sure was scary."

* Kevin has very realistic dreams that used to send him into a panic attack. One time, he even hauled off and punched me in the face in the middle of the night. I woke with tears in my eyes, yelling at him...he was still asleep! I asked him the next day what he was dreaming about. He said that he got into a fight with some guys at the grocery store...random!

* Hannah and Mason both had bad dreams on Tuesday. Mason had people chasing him and a shark trying to eat him. But it was OK, because he "just closed the shark's mouth and got away". Hannah was taking a walk when a tornado came, and no matter how fast she ran, it would always get her.

* I've been having some bad dreams, myself. Every time I go in for a bone marrow biopsy, I have bad dreams and restless nights the few days before.'s that time again. I go in tomorrow. Nothing out of the ordinary, just those typical "no anesthesia, jumbo needles, full sized construction-style drills" kind of dreams. Then, after it's done I can't sleep comfortably. (I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep by Sunday!)

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