Friday, October 9, 2009

Petty Complaints

* Why is it that with a week that seemed SO long, it still seems like only yesterday that I did the laundry?!

* How is it that Barack Obama managed to get himself the Nobel Peace Prize?!

* It's not that I don't like shoes, because I do. I'd like to have a cute pair of silver, sparkly keds-like shoes...just for fun. I'd like to have boots (both brown and black) that have been special ordered to fit around my big ol' calves. I'd like to have various pairs of casual shoes to coordinate with different outfits. It's just that I HATE shopping for shoes to fit my clown feet. And it's just that I don't see how I could ever rationalize spending that money on myself....even if I had the extra money to spend.

* Why can't I find a comfortable position to sit or lay in for longer than 10 minutes...ever?!

* That pistachio commercial with Levi Johnston is very tacky...kind of funny...but VERY tacky.

* Why don't I like cheesecake? I like just about EVERY other kind of dessert...and they always look SO good, but then they all just taste kind of blah to me. What is that all about?!

* Well, I can't seem to win the lottery. I didn't get chosen for the Pillsbury Bake-Off to win a million dollars there, either. How hard can it be to come into easy money? :)

Any other petty complaints/rhetorical questions to go along with mine?



  1. I hear you on the boots!

    I have a complaint too...

    Why can't the Army take John's 40k GI Bill and let us use it to pay off our student loans? It's for what does it matter?

  2. OOH...that is a GREAT complaint for our list!

  3. Well, you may not have won the lottery yet, but take looks like ANYBODY can win the Nobel Peace Prize!

    *Why can't a 24 year old military guy (who has been taught to be orderly) throw trash away or at least return dirty dishes to the kitchen?

    *Why can't people who volunteer for something knowing there are rules to follow not follow the rules?
