Monday, October 5, 2009


So, at church on Sunday I heard a really good sermon. He spoke of how people are coming down with "cardio-sclerosis"...not literally, but figuratively. People are becoming more and more cynical, and their hearts are becoming more and more hardened. We need to give faith a chance, and put as much (if not more) effort into it as we do the other parts of our lives. We need to try to show and live our faith by living the Commandments. He talked about taking Commandments 6-10 (because those tend to be the ones that trip us up in our day-to-day lives (aside from killing, that is)) and turning them into positive statements, rather that what not to do.

Here's my take on it:

VI = Respect and preserve the covenant of marriage (yours and others'). Be loyal to your spouse: not just physically; but spiritually, mentally, and emotionally as well. Confide in each other, be honest with each other, provide for each other.

VII = Respect and preserve that which does not belong to you: the property, thoughts, emotions, innocence, work, and relationships of others.

VIII = Respect and preserve life, in all its forms. Life begins at conception, and should be treated as such. It is God's job to decide when life ends, not ours (that includes euthanasia and the death penalty as well). Take care of the environment. Nurture your relationship with God, the provider of ALL life.

IX = Be honest and trustworthy. Live an honest life and take responsibility for your actions. Speak the truth, and show yourself to be trustworthy in your actions.

X = Be thankful for what you have: a home to live in, a family to love, food to eat, clothes to wear, friends to confide in, and the list can go on and on. Count your blessings. Focus on what YOU have, not what others have. We all have our struggles and our crosses to bear...who our we to say that ours is any greater than anyone else's. Take nothing for granted.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. And if we would all follow your 6-10, we could all obtain widsom. As we live out God's holy word, we come to understand what is right and just. Wisdom enters our hearts. A wise person is one who is at peace with God, knows God, and spends a great deal of time with God. The wisdom to master life's challenges can be found only in one's relationship with God.
    Wouldn't we all like to be "wise"?
