Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Writer's Block...

So, does it count as writer's block if you can't think of anything to blog about? I really don't think it does, but that's what it feels like. Even though I'm pretty sure it just has more to do with the fact that my brain is completely and utterly fried. I have never been so ready for Spring Break before!

I've sat with this laptop just staring at the screen day after day. I've got several started and unfinished blogs. I've just got nothing worthwhile to say. I know how disappointed you all are! I can just see your concerned faces and hear your worried thoughts. But let me assure you, I will be alright. I'm sure after a few days of no school, my mind will be refreshed and ready to go! Plus, let's not forget the fact that February was a big blogging month for me. I did write 6 incredibly thoughtful, sarcastic, and funny blogs in one short month. I don't want all my fans to get too greedy. :)

Anyway, that's enough of my fake ego. I just didn't want you to think I was slacking. I just can't seem to pull myself out of this writing funk!

I'll leave you with this: A guy walks into the psychiatrist's office wearing only Glad Wrap shorts. The shrink says, "Well, I can clearly see you're nuts."


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