Thursday, August 19, 2010

Positive Thinking...

Ahhh.....the power of positive thinking...

"I think I can. I think I can. I think I can." ~The Little Engine That Could

"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggonit, people like me." ~Stewart Smalley (SNL)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it might annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." ~Herm Albright

As I sit at home recovering from a long day that was capped off by Meet the Teacher Night, I am forced to acknowledge the fact that summer is really over...that a new school year is really starting. And as I consider the fact that my 7th year of teaching is about to begin, I realize that I am left with two options: I can dread it and fret over it and think about how trying it will be, OR I can think about how great it's going to be to see my friends each day and how fortunate I am to have a job like this. And since I am typically a "glass half-full" kind of girl, I'm going with positive thinking.

SO, how about this:

~Instead of thinking about how I have 20 kids to reign in on a daily basis, I can think about how those 20 kids are giving me a much needed escape from my own kids.

~Instead of thinking about how many papers I'm going to have to grade, I can think about how it will give me something to do while baseball season drags on.

~Instead of thinking about all of the paperwork that has to be done in a given year, I can think about all of the opportunities I'll have to improve my handwriting.

~Instead of thinking about dealing with 20 sets of parents, I can think about getting in good enough with 20 sets of parents to get some pretty decent gifts.

~Instead of thinking about how I'll be out of the house for 10-11 hours a day, I can think about how Hannah and Mason will be out of the house for that long, too...which hopefully means less mess. (I mean as long as I have postivite thinking, I might as well throw in some wishful thinking, too!)

~Instead of thinking about how incredibly worn out I'm going to be, I can think about how at least now I'll actually have an excuse for not getting things done around the house.

Seriously, though, I am going to think positive thoughts about this year. It's a fresh start and a new beginning. Now that doesn't mean I'm not going to gripe and complain from time to time (oh, trust me, I will), but as for now I'm going to focus on my mantra for the year, "It's gonna be great." Nothing fancy, no bells and whistles. Just something short and sweet that I can say over and over again if needed: It's gonna be's gonna be's gonna be great.

Do any of you have any positive thoughts to share (instead of thinking ___, I can think ___)?

Come know you want to...

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