Friday, December 18, 2009

This and That...

* I love a good pun. I know they're simple and cheesy...but hey, so am I! I guess that's why I enjoy them so much. And if you can have a pun included in a gift and make that gift cute, it will make my day. For example: I got a gift from a student yesterday. It was just a 2-liter bottle of Diet Dr. Pepper. However, they covered the label in a really cute wrapping paper, put a raffia bow around the top, and included a sweet note thanking me for all that I do and saying I was "just what the "Dr." ordered..." How great was that?!

* Here's some things you may not know about me: I've always wanted to go to a costume party, I'm a bit envious of anyone who can do that really loud whistle (with their fingers or without), although I love almost all kinds of music I think the 80's power ballads might be my fav., Tuner & Hootch is one of my very favorite Tom Hanks movies,

* I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired

* My ideal job is one that I would only work 20-25 hours a week (just enough to get me out of the house and keep me on my toes), would pay me just as much (if not more) as I'm making now, would have awesome insurance on the cheap, and would do some good in the world. That's not too much to ask is it?!

* I love a good cry. Whether from TV, movies, music, or no reason at all. Sometimes it's just such a good release!

* I've never had a nickname. I mean, people have called me names all my life (joker, thunder thighs, amazon woman, dork, tattle-tale, cry baby, mook, etc), but never really a nickname. I don't even consider Cakes to be a nickname. It started out as a joke, turned into a habit, and now it's almost as much of my regular name as Tracy is.

* Some people wear their hearts on their sleeves, but according to Kevin I wear my buttons on my sleeves...which is why it's so easy for him to push all of them!

* I love going home. I consider my family (in-laws included) to be my friends. So going home is always a relaxing, enjoyable time for me.

* 30 minutes after school started yesterday, one of my boys came up to me and said, "Um, Mrs. Pwickett? You haven't aksed me all day about how I go this scwatch on my face." Trying to fight back the laughter and feign concern (because it's obviously something he wants me to know), I say, "I'm sorry about that. What happened?!" He tells me that he got scratched by some metal. Again, fighting back a smirk, I asked him what he was doing with metal so close to his face. To this he very matter-of-factly replies, "Oh, it's OK. We're allowed to play with metal until we get scwatched. Then that's enough for one day."

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