Saturday, October 10, 2020


This blog post is the result of a bit of a stream-of-consciousness sort of day:  
  • So this morning, I woke up and was feeling a bit under the weather.  No tutoring today.  Just taking it easy.  I wanted to blog since it's been a while, but I wasn't sure what to blog about.  So, I decided to watch The Greatest Showman.  I just love that really moves me.  I can't listen to the song, "This is Me" without crying.  It is such an empowering anthem for inclusion and acceptance...every person...flaws and all is precious and worthy.  
  • From there, I thought about how all life is precious and how we are all fearfully and wonderfully made.  I love that verse...and the one before it:  Psalm 139: 13-14.  When I was searching for an image, I found this song:

  • This reminded me of Jeremiah 1:5, and I started thinking about how, although I'm not usually vocal about it, I dedicate a large percentage of my prayers to it, and I am pro-life to my core.  I was raised to believe in the sanctity of life.  I firmly believe in protecting the unborn.   As I was searching for an image for this verse, I found this song:
  • But I also believe that no one is too far gone to receive God's grace, which is why I believe the death penalty is wrong.  I believe what Pope Benedict and Pope Francis said is true.  And as I was searching for these images, I found this song: 

  • Then, for a while, I stopped searching and started praying.  I prayed a lot.  I prayed over the lives of the unborn, the lives of the living, the lives of the dying, the lives of those who have taken lives (of the unborn, the living, and the dying), all of their souls, and the souls of those who are already gone.  As I prayed, the word "compassion" kept coming to my mind.  How if each of us just lived compassionately each day (or even most days) this world would be a better place.  After all...all lives are worthy of compassion and forgiveness.    

  • From there, I thought about how compassion is really just another word for love.  And isn't that what we're all called to do?  Love one another?  Love your neighbor as yourself?  Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you?  And, once again, as I searched for these images I found another song:

So, what started as a diversion from a bit of writer's block turned into a blog post all about God, love, the sanctity of life, prayer, compassion, forgiveness, worthiness (and music).  That's pretty much what life is all about, isn't it?

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