Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Dad's Stronger Than Your Dad...

You know how kids like to say that kind of thing?  Well, today I'd like to take my turn and say...My Parents Are Cooler Than Your Parents.   :)

Case in point...

That's right.  My mom is wearing leather pants, and my dad is wearing a skull cap and leather chaps.  I's bad ass!  They love riding my dads Harley together.  They're even part of a motorcycle gang!  Ok, so it's not a gang exactly.  But it's still pretty awesome.  They are members of the Patriot Guard Riders.  They are a divers group of motorcycle riders from across the country, and their mission is to "attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family in order to:  show their sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities; and shield the mourning family and their friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors."

Point #2...

What other parents would take their children to a lake at an old fort to conjure up a midnight...3 nights in a row?!  So maybe it's slightly less awesome, seeing as how Mom brought the holy water with her, but not by much.  It's still one of my favorite memories!  Besides, what better way for your youngest daughter's new boyfriend to get to know the family?  Yup.  Kevin was there, too.  We had been dating for approximately 3 1/2 months.  Classic!

Point #3...

They are quite simply the best grandparents in the world!  Grandkids get a red Radio Flyer wagon?  Well, I guess Grandma and Granpa better get one to have at their house so the kids never have to go without their wagon rides.  Wagon rides just not fast enough for those grandkids anymore ("Faster, Grandpa...faster!")?  Well, Grandpa better get himself a brand new bike with a bike seat so they won't be disappointed anymore.  Still not fast enough?!  I guess it's time they took a ride with Grandpa on the Harley!  What do they want for Christmas?  How about Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, Jenga, etc...  Gotta keep those kids entertained.  Kids getting older?  "Well, I guess we better get new grass in our backyard so the kids don't get stickers in their feet when they go out to play on the new swingset that we built for them."  I joke that they are spoiling the kids, but really, they just love spending as much time with them as they can, having as much fun as they can.       Simply the best!

There are many other wonderfully awesome things I could say about my parents (quoting movies, teaching your daughter how to take a tequilla shot, getting virtually anything you want with just two letters...LD, etc.), but I'll spare the rest of you the further realization that I'm parents really are cooler than your parents!


  1. I did create a couple of monsters didn't I? And to think, when I first told them i wanted a bike, they tried to talk me out of it. Look at them now.

  2. They are pretty cool :) Makes me a happy girl to be a part of such a cool family! (OK, I'll stop brown-nosing now ;D )
