Today's blog will be relatively wordless. Here are just a few of the things in my life that I have a weakness for:
~ babies
~ "true" ghost stories
~ cupcakes
~ alien/ufo/crop circle documentaries
~ pizza
~ JFK conspiracy documentaries
~ quoting movies
~ procrastinating
~ family game night
~ singing along
~ laughing at Cakes
~ crying at almost every movie, not this badly, though
~ TV
~ being sarcastic
~ coloring inside the lines
~ seeing the silver lining
So how about you? Do you share any of these vices with me? What can you not resist?
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Because I Feel Like It...
Today, I'm feeling the need to blog. But today, I'm also feeling a bit under the weather. My sick brain is kind of all over the place today. So that being said, I'm going to do a rather random post today. Here goes nothin'.
* Kevin and I have started watching the show, Breaking Bad. It's really pretty good. It's just strange seeing the dad from Malcolm in the Middle in this kind of role. Pretty interesting concept for the show, though.
* Hannah and Mason want to make a web page to showcase their sweet, sweet dance moves. That way, viewers can send in clips of their own moves for Hannah and Mason to deem worthy to join their dance club. Hannah's not really all that great, but Mason's actually pretty awesome. He's got some street dance, hip-hop kind of thing he does. Greatness.
* I have a bit of an attitude problem right now. I've really enjoyed this summer. Nothing much to it, but it's just the break I needed after last year. It has really made the idea of going back to school that much harder to wrap my head around, though.
* I could really go for a cupcake right now.
* The grass in our back yard is so dead, Hannah looked out the window this morning and said, "Mason, I think it snowed last night. Look how light the grass is!" Then she looked at me and winked (or at least tried to). Smarty pants.
* I can't wait for good TV to come back. I'm not even ashamed to admit that I've got the premiere dates marked on my calendar. Right along other only slightly more important events.
* I've done a lot of reading this summer. Probably the best book of the summer was "The Help". If you haven't read it, you should. The movie comes out in August (I think), and it looks good, too.
* One of these years, we're going to take the kids to Universal Studios. They don't really have any desire to go to Disney World. Plus, Universal Studios is the place that has the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I mean, come on. Who doesn't want to see that, right?
* Kevin has a sick obsession (literally sick...literally obsession) with popping pimples. It GROSSES me out! Even the kids have learned that if they have a tiny pimple (or even an ant bite) somewhere, they do everything they can not to mention it around him. Eeeeww.
* You know how certain actors get type-casted as a certain type of character? It really makes you wonder (or at least it really makes me wonder) how close they are to that in real life.
* What do you think? Are dinosaurs and birds related?
* I just love the commercials that try to make the simplest of tasks seem oh so hard. When all they really do is make the people doing those tasks seem ridiculous. That is, until they get the help of whatever product is being sold.
* Speaking of commercials, there's one I think I will always remember. It's a local (Abilene) commercial. I think some of you may already know which one I'm thinking of. It's for Abilene Portable Buildings..."family owned and located on Butternut and Treadway". I guess you could say it's a testament to the advertising that it has stuck with me all these years.
* I'm going to bed now. Good night.
* Kevin and I have started watching the show, Breaking Bad. It's really pretty good. It's just strange seeing the dad from Malcolm in the Middle in this kind of role. Pretty interesting concept for the show, though.
* Hannah and Mason want to make a web page to showcase their sweet, sweet dance moves. That way, viewers can send in clips of their own moves for Hannah and Mason to deem worthy to join their dance club. Hannah's not really all that great, but Mason's actually pretty awesome. He's got some street dance, hip-hop kind of thing he does. Greatness.
* I have a bit of an attitude problem right now. I've really enjoyed this summer. Nothing much to it, but it's just the break I needed after last year. It has really made the idea of going back to school that much harder to wrap my head around, though.
* I could really go for a cupcake right now.
* The grass in our back yard is so dead, Hannah looked out the window this morning and said, "Mason, I think it snowed last night. Look how light the grass is!" Then she looked at me and winked (or at least tried to). Smarty pants.
* I can't wait for good TV to come back. I'm not even ashamed to admit that I've got the premiere dates marked on my calendar. Right along other only slightly more important events.
* I've done a lot of reading this summer. Probably the best book of the summer was "The Help". If you haven't read it, you should. The movie comes out in August (I think), and it looks good, too.
* One of these years, we're going to take the kids to Universal Studios. They don't really have any desire to go to Disney World. Plus, Universal Studios is the place that has the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I mean, come on. Who doesn't want to see that, right?
* Kevin has a sick obsession (literally sick...literally obsession) with popping pimples. It GROSSES me out! Even the kids have learned that if they have a tiny pimple (or even an ant bite) somewhere, they do everything they can not to mention it around him. Eeeeww.
* You know how certain actors get type-casted as a certain type of character? It really makes you wonder (or at least it really makes me wonder) how close they are to that in real life.
* What do you think? Are dinosaurs and birds related?
* I just love the commercials that try to make the simplest of tasks seem oh so hard. When all they really do is make the people doing those tasks seem ridiculous. That is, until they get the help of whatever product is being sold.
* Speaking of commercials, there's one I think I will always remember. It's a local (Abilene) commercial. I think some of you may already know which one I'm thinking of. It's for Abilene Portable Buildings..."family owned and located on Butternut and Treadway". I guess you could say it's a testament to the advertising that it has stuck with me all these years.
* I'm going to bed now. Good night.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Bucket List...
I'm sure that most of you have seen the movie, The Bucket List, by now. But just in case there are any of you that haven't (and even for those of you that have), here's the trailer:
: learn to hoola-hoop
But even before seeing this movie, I'm sure we had all thought of things we wanted to do in our lives. Maybe we didn't have those things on an actual list or have an actual name for it, but we had goals and dreams. Bucket lists are also known as Life Lists. Rather than thinking of them as things you want to do before you die, you just think of them as things (big or small) that you want to do in your life.
I'm going to take this time to start a working Bucket List of my own. It will be a work in progress that I will add to over time (that I guess I actually started when I was a kid). And there are some that am I pleased to be able to cross off already. Feel free to put yours in writing as well. :)
My Bucket List (in no particular order)
: get married
: have kids
: become a teacher
: get a pool
: go to New York City
: see New England in the fall
: go to Washington DC
: visit the Smithsonian
: adopt a baby
: see a tornado in real life
: go on a Haunted Ghost Tour (in New Orleans would be best)
: get paid to bake
: write a children's book
: become a published author
: read the Bible (the whole thing)
: make photo albums for Hannah and Mason
: keep up with the kids' photo albums
: make a family album for you and Cakes
: go to Vegas
: see Garth Brooks in concert
: see Aerosmith in concert
: go on an African safari
: travel to Italy (Venice, Rome, and Florence specifically)
: visit the Louvre
: be a godmother
: truly make a difference in someone's life
: be a grandma
: celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary with Cakes
: get a new, bigger house with more room for the kids to grow and play
: buy a boat
: buy an RV
: travel the country, road trip style
: save money (in an account that actually grows over time...instead of getting spent)
: figure out a second career
: take the kids to Universal Studios
: go back to Pensacola Beach (or any of the neighboring beaches)
: go to Hawaii
: take the kids to meet my family in South Dakota
: get a new family portrait at least every 5 years
: sing Karaoke
: go to a costume party
: volunteer with the high school youth group at church
: have our house be the house that our kids and their friends want to hang out at
OK well, I think that's enough for now. The more time that I give this, the more things I think of. It's a start anyway. And as I said before, it's a work in progress. Some of them are silly, some of them are trivial, and I'm sure some of them may never happen...but here's hoping.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Photo Challenge...
So I know you've been eagerly awaiting this post about facebook's 30 Day Photo Challenge ever since you read my ever-so-awesome song challenge post the other day. Well, wait no more! Here it is. And just like last time, I will not do all 30 here, but I will go ahead and give you the full 30 day criteria. And even though a picture is worth a thousand words, I'm going to go ahead and add my thoughts to them as we go. So...are you ready for more awesomeness?!
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Day 04 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory
Day 06 - A picture of something/someone you'd love to trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most weird things with
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
Day 12 - A picture of something you love
Day 13 - A picture of a memorable night
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Day 19 - A picture of a letter
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change
Day 25 - A picture of your day
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss
~ Day 1
: I am probably the coolest nerd you'll ever meet.
: I married for money ;)
: I have a brand new bathroom.
: I love my family.
: I love how I was raised.
: I feel at least slightly inadequate most of the time.
: I have 2 awesome and vastly different kids.
: I have leukemia.
: I have my mother's grace.
: I love to bake.
~ Day 2
Well, despite the fact that she curses like a sailor and sings songs about chicken vaginas, Mom is the person I've been closest to the longest. She got me through gymnastics and piano lessons. She's the one that told me how cute it would look if I cut my hair super short. She taught me how to sew and cook. She encouraged and supported me through High School. And she has become an amazing friend to me since then.
~ Day 3
LOST...need I say more? I don't think so, but just in case you don't already know how amazing this show is and how I feel about it, you can check this out.
~ Day 7
I'm not a very materialistic all. So for me, my most treasured item is my family. Not just the ones pictured here, of course. ALL of them!
~ Day 8
This was Kevin on the day of our wedding. The photographer told him to "gaze adoringly at his ring". All he could manage to do was think, "What the _ _ _ _"?! Honestly, there were so many of Kevin's pictures I could have chosen for this, because he is such a good picture taker. :)
~ Day 11
Landry...UGH! Especially the folding part. I don't know why, but I loathe it. Maybe it's just because it's NEVER done. Even if everythings clean, folded, hung, and put away, there's still the close that we're wearing at that moment. So unless everyone in the house walks around naked and doesn't bathe or wash hands requiring towels (which I'm pretty sure would be traumatizing for everyone involved), it is literally never ending.
~ Day 12
Board games...YAY! I have blogged before about how they are one of my favorite things. They bring people together and bring out the laughter, and they're just the bomb-digitty!
~ Day 14
As a mom, I would be remiss if I did a photo post without including my kids. And what better place than the ones I couldn't imagine my life without?! I mean, come on...just look at how cute they were! And even though there not itty-bitty anymore, they still are utterly amazing.
~ Day 15
One of these days I'll have to blog about my bucket list, but I'll go ahead and tell you that going on an African safari is one of the things I want to do before I die. I just think it would be so amazing and awe inspiring to be so close to those incredible animals, in the natural habitat that God created!
~ Day 16
Who inspires me?
This is another thing on my bucket list and could also have been used for Day 15. But I think it's more appropriate here, because I see this as much more of a traveling thing. I would LOVE to go to Italy (Rome, Florence, and Venice specifically). Rome has so much history, art, and the Vatican. Florence, I truthfully don't know that much about, but the architecture is beautiful (and to be honest, I've just wanted to go there ever since I saw "While You Were Sleeping"). Venice is so picturesque with the waterways and gondolas. of these years...
~ Day 23
So, I cheated a little bit. It's not one book, it's a series. But I'm counting it as a whole. If you haven't read it yet, you really should. I'm not even going to bother describing it to you, because I wouldn't do it justice. And just based on the description, you might not think it sounds good anyway. And trust me, I didn't either. It is SO not my usual type of book to read. But despite my doubts, I trusted the recommendations I got from friends and cousins, and I gave it a shot. And "holy adictive books, Batman"! It's AMAZING!
~ Day 24
I didn't want to get too heavy here, but I didn't want to go completely light hearted either. With all of the technology we have, I truly find it amazing that there are so many diseases we don't have a cure for yet: cancer, diabetes, leukemia, AIDS, alzheimers, etc. So many people of all ages are suffering. That is what I wish I could change.
~ Day 26
My a a Catholic means a lot to me. I'm not one to be very vocal about my faith, but I hope that it comes through in my actions. Sharing my faith with my kids is also very important to me, and it meas SO much to me that Kevin takes an active role in that as well.
~ Day 27
This is a picture of me with my little brother, Josh. When we were little, we were like 2 peas in a pod. As we got older, I'm affraid I became more of a typical big sister and deliberately tried to get him in trouble. But once I got into High School, we became friends again. I can't believe the little turd is actually getting married in a few weeks!
~ Day 29
This picture with my Dad always makes me smile. I think of how I used to wrap my little hands around his big arms and say, "Like a rock, Daddy!" And I remember how I would look up at him and ask, "Daddy, are you happy to me?" I've always been a daddy's girl at heart.
~ Day 30
The little baby girl in my arms here is someone I miss. Her name was Reagan, and she was my cousin's daughter. She was born without a brain...only a brain stem. Even in her short time here on Earth, she lived longer than was expected. And I can't explain it, but I had a deep connection with that little girl. I know that she's healthy, happy, and at peace up in Heaven, but I think of her and miss her almost every day.
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Day 04 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory
Day 06 - A picture of something/someone you'd love to trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most weird things with
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
Day 12 - A picture of something you love
Day 13 - A picture of a memorable night
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Day 19 - A picture of a letter
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change
Day 25 - A picture of your day
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss
~ Day 1
: I am probably the coolest nerd you'll ever meet.
: I married for money ;)
: I have a brand new bathroom.
: I love my family.
: I love how I was raised.
: I feel at least slightly inadequate most of the time.
: I have 2 awesome and vastly different kids.
: I have leukemia.
: I have my mother's grace.
: I love to bake.
~ Day 2
Well, despite the fact that she curses like a sailor and sings songs about chicken vaginas, Mom is the person I've been closest to the longest. She got me through gymnastics and piano lessons. She's the one that told me how cute it would look if I cut my hair super short. She taught me how to sew and cook. She encouraged and supported me through High School. And she has become an amazing friend to me since then.
~ Day 3
LOST...need I say more? I don't think so, but just in case you don't already know how amazing this show is and how I feel about it, you can check this out.

I'm not a very materialistic all. So for me, my most treasured item is my family. Not just the ones pictured here, of course. ALL of them!
~ Day 8
This was Kevin on the day of our wedding. The photographer told him to "gaze adoringly at his ring". All he could manage to do was think, "What the _ _ _ _"?! Honestly, there were so many of Kevin's pictures I could have chosen for this, because he is such a good picture taker. :)
~ Day 11
Landry...UGH! Especially the folding part. I don't know why, but I loathe it. Maybe it's just because it's NEVER done. Even if everythings clean, folded, hung, and put away, there's still the close that we're wearing at that moment. So unless everyone in the house walks around naked and doesn't bathe or wash hands requiring towels (which I'm pretty sure would be traumatizing for everyone involved), it is literally never ending.
~ Day 12
Board games...YAY! I have blogged before about how they are one of my favorite things. They bring people together and bring out the laughter, and they're just the bomb-digitty!
~ Day 14
As a mom, I would be remiss if I did a photo post without including my kids. And what better place than the ones I couldn't imagine my life without?! I mean, come on...just look at how cute they were! And even though there not itty-bitty anymore, they still are utterly amazing.
~ Day 15
One of these days I'll have to blog about my bucket list, but I'll go ahead and tell you that going on an African safari is one of the things I want to do before I die. I just think it would be so amazing and awe inspiring to be so close to those incredible animals, in the natural habitat that God created!
~ Day 16
Who inspires me?
I think I've blogged about this before too (in bits and pieces anyway), but my parents are an inspiration to me: their faith, their devotion (to each other, their friends, and their family), their integrity, the way they still flirt with each other, the example they set as parents, the fact that they've been happily married for almost 38 years, etc. I'm SO lucky to have been raised by them and am SO blessed to still have them in my life.
~ Day 20This is another thing on my bucket list and could also have been used for Day 15. But I think it's more appropriate here, because I see this as much more of a traveling thing. I would LOVE to go to Italy (Rome, Florence, and Venice specifically). Rome has so much history, art, and the Vatican. Florence, I truthfully don't know that much about, but the architecture is beautiful (and to be honest, I've just wanted to go there ever since I saw "While You Were Sleeping"). Venice is so picturesque with the waterways and gondolas. of these years...
~ Day 23
So, I cheated a little bit. It's not one book, it's a series. But I'm counting it as a whole. If you haven't read it yet, you really should. I'm not even going to bother describing it to you, because I wouldn't do it justice. And just based on the description, you might not think it sounds good anyway. And trust me, I didn't either. It is SO not my usual type of book to read. But despite my doubts, I trusted the recommendations I got from friends and cousins, and I gave it a shot. And "holy adictive books, Batman"! It's AMAZING!
~ Day 24
I didn't want to get too heavy here, but I didn't want to go completely light hearted either. With all of the technology we have, I truly find it amazing that there are so many diseases we don't have a cure for yet: cancer, diabetes, leukemia, AIDS, alzheimers, etc. So many people of all ages are suffering. That is what I wish I could change.
~ Day 26
My a a Catholic means a lot to me. I'm not one to be very vocal about my faith, but I hope that it comes through in my actions. Sharing my faith with my kids is also very important to me, and it meas SO much to me that Kevin takes an active role in that as well.
~ Day 27
This is a picture of me with my little brother, Josh. When we were little, we were like 2 peas in a pod. As we got older, I'm affraid I became more of a typical big sister and deliberately tried to get him in trouble. But once I got into High School, we became friends again. I can't believe the little turd is actually getting married in a few weeks!
~ Day 29
This picture with my Dad always makes me smile. I think of how I used to wrap my little hands around his big arms and say, "Like a rock, Daddy!" And I remember how I would look up at him and ask, "Daddy, are you happy to me?" I've always been a daddy's girl at heart.
~ Day 30
The little baby girl in my arms here is someone I miss. Her name was Reagan, and she was my cousin's daughter. She was born without a brain...only a brain stem. Even in her short time here on Earth, she lived longer than was expected. And I can't explain it, but I had a deep connection with that little girl. I know that she's healthy, happy, and at peace up in Heaven, but I think of her and miss her almost every day.
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