Thursday, August 25, 2016

Another Decade...

In the seven years since I've had this blog, I've written several other decade related posts.  I blogged about Kevin's and my 10 year anniversary.  I wrote about Hannah turning 10, and a couple years after that I wrote about Mason turning 10.  When I turned 30, I wrote letters to my 20 year-old self and my 40 year-old self (a decade younger and a decade older).  I thought about blogging for my 10 year teaching anniversary, but I didn't actually.

This time I'm writing about another decade in my life.  A decade of a very serious love/hate relationship with insurance.  A decade of developing scarred tissue over the vein in my left elbow.  A decade of fatigue and joint aches.  A decade of bone pain that can kind of be described as a throbbing toothache in bones I was never concious of even having before.  A decade of having random illnesses/conditions that I get to laugh/brag about having.

But it's also been a decade of developing a relationship with a doctor who asks about my parents and siblings that he only met once every time I see him.  A decade of incredible friendships with people who have shown their love and loyalty over and over again.  A decade of advancements in medicine and medical treatment.  A decade of nurses who remember to ask about my kids (both Hannah & Mason and my students) every time I see them.  A decade of working at a place with people that care and support like family.  A decade of "enough".

10 years ago today I was diagnosed with Leukemia (CML).  I've blogged about this day several times, most in-depth here.  But that day isn't what this post is about.  This post is about TEN YEARS!  And although I'm still technically only in partial remission, I have been that way for approximately 7 of those years.  So I am both stable and consistent, which is something to be thankful for.  And when I think of everything this last decade has brought me, I can't help but smile.  10 years is a wonderful thing!

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