Saturday, December 5, 2009

Favorite Things...

So, I was just thinking about that song from "The Sound of Music" know, "brown paper packages tied up with strings...these are a few of my favorite things". In elementary school, it was one of my favorite songs to sing in music class. (Well, that and "Don Gato", but that's another story.) Anyway, it inspired me to list a few of MY favorite things...

~ Laughing ~
This is probably my very most favorite thing. It's so simple, but I guess that's another of my favorite things (simple things). For me, it truly is "the best medicine". Regardless of how I'm feeling, a good laugh will always lift my spirits. I try to surround myself with funny people...or at least people who know what funny is. And lucky for me, I am married to one of the funniest who is also the supreme judge of what is funny....isn't that right, Cakes?

~ TV ~
So, maybe it rots your what?! During the school year, it is my escape. I watch it for hours almost every night, and I can catch up on school work, laundry, Christmas cards, etc. I watch dramas, comedies, and dramadies. Sometimes it's mindless, sometimes it's hilarious, sometimes it's intriguing, and some times it's even an emotional release.

~ Family ~
It may sound lame or cliche, but it is true. I am a home-body through and through. Whether just hanging out with my family here, or going home and being with my parents, siblings, and in-laws, it's time I truly enjoy. I love talking to, laughing at, reminiscing with, and just listening to everyone together!

~ Reading ~
It is a hobby that sadly, I've only recently picked up on. All through school, I hated reading. But during student teaching, I decided to read what all the kids were talking about, so I picked up the Harry Potter books, read the first 4 in 2 weeks, and was hooked. And slowly, but surely since then I have added to my favorite books: Harry Potter 6 & 7, all Nicholas Sparks books (especially The Notebook, The Choice, and The Lucky One), Little Women, the Twilight Series (especially Eclipse and Breaking Dawn), the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich, My Sister's Keeper...and I can't wait to add more to the list! Reading has also become an escape for me. And yes, I know it makes me a nerd...or more accurately just confirms the fact that I am a nerd!

~ Baking ~
It just makes me happy. If I've had a bad day, baking helps me unwind. If I've had a good day, baking helps me celebrate it. If I'm bored, baking gives me something to do. But whatever the reason is behind the baking, I love to share it with other people. I like to think that they enjoy it, but even if not, I enjoy doing it. I love baking and I love the people I bake's a simple way for me to show that I care...and it's a simple way to keep me from eating all of it! :)

~ Music ~
It's such a powerful thing, and it has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I remember listening to the radio with my mom when I was in Kindergarten (George Straight and Sawyer Brown come to mind). I remember the first cassette tape I ever got (an oldies tape with the song "Hey There Little Red Riding Hood"). I remember loving movie soundtracks as much as the actual movies themselves (Footloose, Dirty Dancing, Forest Gump, Almost Famous, Rock Star, etc). I remember when making dedications on the radio was popular. I took piano lessons, I was in band, and I did (and still do) my "best" singing in the car. I think the old Clint Black song says it all: "Ain't it funny how a melody can bring back a memory, take you to another place and time, completely change your state of mind".

I also love movies and long walks on the beach. (ha-ha) But I think that's all for now...WOW...I really rambled this time! Maybe there will be a favorite things 2 post later down the road.

What are some of your favorite things?


  1. Oh Senior Don Gato was a cat
    On a high red roof Don Gato sat
    He went there to read a letter
    meow meow meow
    Where the reading light was better
    meow meow meow
    Twas a love note for Don Gato...


    Still singing it in my head now! And what about The Bole Weevil Song?
    Totally singing Hey there little red riding hood right now too...

    Hmmm...favorite things....I agree with you on yours. But I'd have to add managing money...I'm a dork, but I love to balance checkbooks!

  2. I loved all of these. And a love of reading does not make you a nerd. It broadens your mind, your imagination, your vocabulary, and your appreciation for life.....reading is wonderful! I'm so glad you've found it.
    AHHHH, music. It soothes the soul, stirs the emotions, brings a smile to your face, and movement to your rear. There's no stopping that foot from tapping or those hips from shaking!

  3. Jenn, I knew I could count on you to remember Don Gato!! And how could I forget the bole weevil song?! Good times!!

    And thanks, Mom! You've always got my back. Although Kevin would say that just makes you a nerd, too!
