Sunday, April 28, 2013

What a Week...

So much for a restful, relaxing, rejuvenating weekend to help myself get over a very long week.  But I always try to take the good with the bad, so here's a little of both for you:

~ This "Hey Girl" meme seems tailor-made for me, doesn't it?!  Maybe that's because I made it.  Yep, prepare yourselves.  Many of you will be receiving special messages from my boyfriend, Ryan as well!
~ I had my first official experience with the STAAR test.  For those of you who are around my age, are from Texas, and don't know, it's the most modern version of the TAAS test.  Texas's standardized test.  My third graders took the STAAR Math and STAAR reading tests on Tuesday and Wednesday.  While we told them to relax and not worry...just do their best and show off all of the great things they know...we were all incredibly stressed out.  They made for some very long and tense days.  And afterwards, I was exhausted! 
~ Hannah had her fourth grade versions of the math and reading STAAR tests, too.  She is not a good test taker, and as much as we try to boost her confidence and tell her not to worry, she has some pretty serious test anxiety.  It's better than it was last year, but we are still glad it's over!
~I had an interesting conversation with Mason Thursday morning as we were getting ready for school:
  • Mason:  "Mommy, is it possible that someone can work really hard their whole life to get a bunch of really cool things, but then spend so much time working to get and keep those things that they never get to use and appreciate those things?"
  • Me (slightly stunned by his wisdom):  "Yeah, buddy that's very possible.  In fact I think it probably happens a lot."
  • Mason:  "Wow.  The ironing."
    • Cute, right?  Ironing instead of irony?  I love that boy!
~ I,we the whole school district got the wonderful news that our insurance rates are going up again.  Rather than giving you a whole long rant, I will just reference my blog post about this same thing last year, and say that I should probably be flattered.  It's a pretty big complement that TRS thinks I'm talented enough to just pull an extra $200+ a month out of my butt.
~ I left my coffee at home on the kitchen counter Thursday morning. Maybe I was too distracted by Mason's deep thoughts, I don't know.  But whatever the reason, I was really cheesed off when I got to school!  Man, was I in a bad mood!
~ One of my students' moms (who just so happens to be one of my friends and former co-workers) brought me a Diet Cherry Limeade from Sonic when she brought her son to school Thursday morning.  Perked my mood right back up!
~Thursday evening I started getting a head-cold.  Great.  Just what I needed.
~ Friday, I had a ton of errands to run after school.  So on a rare day that we actually got to leave early, we had so much to do we still weren't going to get home until 6:30.  I was in a hurry to get there, because we were going to babysit the kids of some friends of ours.  The kids were tired after a long week at school and being dragged around all over kingdom come.  I was super annoyed at the kids for all of their incessant bickering.  We're almost home when Hannah realizes she left her backpack outside up at school.  So we drive by the school to get it, and thankfully, it was still there.  But not more than 20 seconds after I pull out and start driving home, Hannah screams.  I turn around to see her standing in the car and ants crawling all over her seat!  I huff and puff, pull the car over, throw things outside, and keep myself from getting mad at Hannah.  It's now past 6:30, and we're shaking out backpacks, sweeping ants off of the seats, picking them off of the carpets, and swatting them off Hannah's shorts on the side of the road.
~ We get home just in time on Friday for Kevin to get Mason to batting practice on time.  Whew!  (But I know, right?!  Who schedules practice for a Friday night?!)
~ Saturday, I'm still not feeling well, but we've got 10 full hours of First Communion meetings, softball tournaments, and baseball games to get to.  No rest for the weary.  The cleaning and laundry were somehow still there when we got home.
~ Sunday, we went to the Denton Arts and Jazz Festival.  It may be surprising, but in the almost 13 years that we've lived in Denton, we've never been.  And we've never really felt like we missed out on much.  But this year, we had to got to go for the first time.
~ Mason had one of his drawings on display at the Arts and Jazz Fest.  He was SUPER stoked, and it was kind of a big deal.  So we went to see it, and made an afternoon of it.  We spent a small fortune on activities for the kids and unhealthy food.  We had a nice time, but I don't think we need to go back next year.
~ After the shortest of naps this afternoon, I took Hannah to shop for her bedroom make-over.  She's turning 10 soon, and seeing as how she's not a little girl anymore, she didn't need to have a little girl's bedroom anymore.  Her new bedding is really quite cute.  She's growing up too fast.

Now, I'm just catching up on my blog and watching some LOST with Kevin.  He might not be Ryan Gossling, but he's pretty close, isn't he?

1 comment:

  1. I cant believe it has been so long since you blogged! I do love your blog and I did love those "Hey Girl" cookies. A nice treat in deed. I have to say that I do not envy you and that STAAR test one bit. I don't know what my next carrer may be, but I hope it doesn't go any higher than 2nd grade!
