Saturday, August 27, 2011

30 Day Movie Challenge...

Alright, alright, alright (said so coolly by Matthew McConaughey in Dazed and Confused), it's time for another facebook challenge!  Song Challenge...check.  Picture Challenge...check.  Movie goes nothing!

Now, as much as I love music and as hard as that one was, I think this one might be even harder.  But we'll see.  There are a couple of different versions of this challenge floating around out there, but this is the one that I liked the best.  I thought it was a little bit would tell you more about me (and let's face it...I know you want to know all there is to know about me).   :)  And while there are probably several movies that could be used in multiple places on this list, I'm going to try not to double up anywhere.

Day 01- The best movie you saw during the last year
Day 02 – The most underrated movie
Day 03 – A movie that makes you really happy
Day 04 – A movie that makes you sad
Day 05 – Favorite love story in a movie
Day 06 – Favorite made for TV movie
Day 07 – The most surprising plot twist or ending
Day 08 – A movie that you’ve seen countless times
Day 09 – A movie with the best soundtrack
Day 10 – Favorite classic movie
Day 11 – A movie that changed your opinion about something
Day 12 – A movie that you couldn't finish
Day 13 – A movie that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14 – A movie that no one would expect you to love
Day 15 – A character who you can relate to the most
Day 16 – A movie that you used to love but now hate
Day 17 – A movie that disappointed you the most
Day 18 – A movie that you wish more people would’ve seen
Day 19 – Favorite movie based on a book/comic/etc.
Day 20 – Favorite movie from your favorite actor/actress
Day 21 – Favorite action movie
Day 22 – Favorite musical
Day 23 – Favorite animation
Day 24 – That one awesome movie idea that still hasn’t been done yet
Day 25 – The most hilarious movie you’ve ever seen
Day 26 – A movie that you love but everyone else hates
Day 27 – A movie that you wish you had seen in theaters
Day 28 – Favorite movie from your favorite director
Day 29 – A movie from your childhood
Day 30 – Your favorite movie of all time

Day 1 = While there are some that made me laugh or cry more than others, I think this movie had a fabulous combination of both; Crazy, Stupid Love.
Day 2 = Most people can appreciate the skill it takes to be a comedic actor these days, but not many people recognize Tom Hanks's achievements in Turner and Hooch.
Day 3 = Music and Lyrics (I can't get enough of Hugh Grant's motorcycle dance)
Day 4 = This movie didn't actually make me sad, but UGH, it was depressing!  Revolutionary Road
Day 5 = This one's a tie between Noah & Allie in The Notebook and Holly & Gerry in PS I Love You.  They were both beautifully tragic love stories.
Day 6 = Everybody's Baby.  (the baby Jessica story) I vividly remember watching this as a kid and being amazed by the story.  Now, as a parent, I almost get teary-eyed just thinking about it. (almost)
Day 7 = Definitely The Sixth Sense.  Need I say more?
Day 8 = Although there are many movies that my family and I can quote throughout, this is one that I have seen enough times that not only can I quote it, I can sing along to it.  The Little Mermaid.
Day 9 = Yikes!  Talk about difficult.  This question combines my love of music and movies.  I am taken back to many a road trip to South Dakota in my youth (I'm talking Footloose, Rocky 4, Cocktail, Dirty Dancing, Top Gun, etc.), but I think I'm going to have to forgo all of those and say Forrest Gump simply because the music (like the movie) spans several decades.
Day 10 = I'm not a big fan of classic all.  But one of the only old "classic" movies that I have seen that I can actually stand is It's a Wonderful Life.
Day 11 = The Wedding Singer.  While I had always enjoyed Adam Sandler's brand of stupid comedy, this movie (although it was a comedy at heart and had it's moments of stupidity) was one of the first to reveal that he had a bit of a dramatic streak in him...that he's not just a stupid comedian.
Day 12 = I don't think I even lasted 15 minutes through Kill Bill.  Sorry.  I know many of you love it, but I just couldn't get with the Tarantino-violence-horrid language business (I've never seen all of Pulp Fiction either.....I know...GASP!)
Day 13 = Although I proudly admit to loving Footloose, I think it qualifies as a guilty pleasure.  It's just so wonderfully cheesy (especially the whole "getting so pissed off I'm going to dance by myself in a warehouse" thing) that I can't get enough of it!
Day 14 = Sheesh, I don't know.  I guess I'm pretty predictable.
Day 15 = I don't know how much I relate to this character as a whole, but the scene in Speed where Sandra Bullock's character drives the bus into the baby carriage only to find out it was full of cans gets me every time.  I'm just so certain that is exactly the way I would react.
Day 16 = Sorry... I've got nothing...
Day 17 = I don't know if this disappointed me the most, but it's the only one I can think of right now.  I had heard such good things, and it got Oscar attention, but I was very disappointed with Black Swan (and I typically like both Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis).  It just wasn't my cup of tea, I guess.
Day 18 = Again...nada
Day 19 = Favorite book turned movie should be a given...Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.  And my favorite movie based on a comic is X-Men Origins: Wolverine (I've always loved movies that give good background information, and ones that span decades...not to mention Hugh Jackman...yummy.)
Day 20 = These may not be my top favorite actors, but I do enjoy Sandra Bullock a lot and Matthew McConaughey has be one of my top crushes for quite some time.  And this fantastic movie has both of them, so why not?  A Time to Kill.
Day 21 = Transformers.  The special affects blew my mind the first time that I saw it.  I still think it's SO awesome.
Day 22 = Dreamgirls.  Loved it.
Day 23 = I have already used my all-time favorite, so I'll cheat and list a bunch of others that are all probably tied for 2nd place:  Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion KingFinding Nemo, Up, Kung Fu Panda, and Despicable Me
Day 24 = Hate all you want, but I would LOVE to see a movie about the life of Michael Irvin.  I think his is an awesome story...very movie worthy.
Day 25 =  I'd have to say Bridesmaids.  I don't think I've ever laughed that hard or that much in a movie.  Ever.  (and I've laughed a lot, so that's saying something)
Day 26 = ??? I have such good taste that I just can't fill this one out.
Day 27 = The Abyss (the director's cut).  I love this move, and the director's cut actually explains things.  It would have been awesome to actually see on the big screen.
Day 28 = I'm taking a few liberties with this one.  I would not say that Stephen Herek is my favorite all.  In fact, I didn't even know his name untilIi looked it up for this post.  But he did direct a movie that I really wanted to use on this list.  So when I looked up the movie, I found out he directed some other movies I enjoy, too.  The wonderful movie I wanted to use is Mr. Holland's Opus (again, it has great music and spans several decades).
Day 29 = This was the first scary movie I ever saw.  I watched it at a Girl Scout sleepover at the Embassy Suites in 3rd grade.  I remember being freaked out, but loving it.  Watcher in the Woods.
Day 30 = It's virtually impossible to only pick one.  But Armageddon has been at the top of my list since it first came out.  It's got a little bit of everything:  action, comedy, drama, great music...and pure awesomeness.

So that's it.  I did my best to complete the list this time, but I just couldn't waste devote any more time to this post than I already have.  I'm sure that if I completed this list again next week (or even tomorrow, for that matter) that I could have completely different answers for almost all of them.
Now, it's your turn.   :)

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