Saturday, April 21, 2012


Ahhh, sports.  I've never been what you would describe as sporty.  Or particularly athletic, either.

I was not in sports as a kid.  I tried Gymnastics in Kindergarten.  I don't really remember much about it aside from quitting, because the other girls were mean to me (at least that's how I remember it).  But seeing as how I now know that I inherited my mother's grace, I might have just been terrible at it.  I played volleyball in middle school and really liked it...and was half-way decent at it (I remember one game where I scored 13 of the 15 points it took to win the game).  In fact, I wanted to play in High School, too.  That is, until I learned that in High School you had to wear biker shorts as part of the uniform.  And there aint no way my thunder thighs were going to be seen in those.  But I did do 4 years of marching band.  And I know, I's not the same thing.  BUT that was the best shape I had/have ever been in.

All that to say...despite my own shortcomings, I've always been a fan.  I always kind of liked going to Josh's baseball games (in fact, I really liked it when I was in high school and could flirt with the older brothers).  As soon as Brad entered High School, we started going to Cooper football games, and I fell in love with the game.  I was one of the few band members who would actually watch the games we were at (yes, Mom, I could flirt and watch the game at the same time).  And apparently, (I have no recollection of this, but according to my fourth grade journal which I just found and gave to Hannah), I even liked basketball at one point.

But now, in addition to loving the Cowboys (even when they suck...which is more often than I'd like), the Longhorns, and the Rangers, I also get to start loving my kids' teams.  We are lucky to have found sports that our kids like and are actually pretty good at. 
  • Mason's favorite (and mine) is football.  We got to watch his team win the championship and watch him play on the All Star team last fall.  He's getting geared up to play tackle this year...then we'll really get to see what he's made of.  Since there's no football in the spring, we've got him in baseball (coach pitch) now.  At first he wasn't thrilled, but once he started doing well he was a lot happier about it.  And somehow Kevin and I got roped into being the coaches for this Bad News Bears team.  It's not as bad as I thought it would be.  I actually don't dread it (at least not all the time).  :)  We learned quickly that Kevin should not be pitcher, and I needed to have the players' positions planned out for every inning in advance.  It's been much better since we figured all that out.
  • Hannah found softball last fall and really blossomed.  She joined a team that had already been together for a season and caught up really quickly.  A couple of parents told me today how impressed they are with her...that if you didn't know it, you would never guess that this is only her 2nd season to play.  We got to watch her team win their championship last season, too!  This season they are playing kid-pitch in the 10 U league, which is harder...but she's playing catcher and kind of rocking it!  I put a little sample of her handy work up on facebook, so check it out.
Even though it causes life to be crazy hectic for a few months, these sports have really added a lot of fun to the last year.  Is it too early to start hoping for some scholarships?!?

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