Monday, September 5, 2011

But I Don't Wanna...

So, it's official.  I'm going to start exercising tomorrow.  But like my title so subtly suggests...I REALLY don't want to.  In fact, there's almost nothing I want to do less.  But I just can't stand it anymore.

I've got a few options:

~ I can just do my usual work out videos, which are fine.  They target specific areas.  So, that's good.  This also leads to variety in the work out, so it's not the exact same thing every day.  So I guess that's a bonus, too

~ I can do a couch to 5k training.  You know, it gradually takes couch potatoes like myself from their laziness to running a 5k (about 3 miles) in about 2 months.  Running is supposed to be really great exercise, and I know a lot of people that LOVE it.  But I just don't know if I can get over the fact that I would actually have to run. 

~ I can train for another 1/2 marathon (walking, of course).  I figure if I'm actually diligent about the training this time, and if I don't have to have a bone marrow procedure 2 weeks before the race, that maybe it won't be quite so excruciating this time.  And we did actually end up walking faster than some of the joggers we saw there.


~ I could always try dance-walking.
...but I don't know if I can afford to lose any friends.   :)

Wish me luck!

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