Sunday, April 10, 2011


Come on, sing it with me:  "Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high.  Take a look.  It's in a book.  It's Reading Rainbow."  Reading Rainbow...  Did any of you ever watch that show?  I don't think I ever really did.  But I've developed an appreciation for it throughout my years of teaching.

Anyway, I thought it would serve as a fun introduction for the wonderful topic of books. I idn't start loving books until I didn't "have" to read them anymore.  You know, when I wasn't being forced to read for school.  Now, I'm not saying that teachers shouldn't still require the reading of these books.  Of course they should.  I'm just saying that for whatever reason it didn't work for me.  I thought of books as work, instead of fun.  Now, though, I have a completely different attitude.  A good book is escape...a way to relax and get caught up at the same time.

What brought about this change of heart, you ask?  Well, as I've said a few times before...I am a self-professed nerd.  As I was doing my student teaching, the Harry Potter books were still relatively new and were all the rage.  So I figured, if I was going to be a decent teacher and be in on what the "kids these days are into".  I started reading out of dutiful soon to be teacher obligation.  But I finished reading the first 4 of the books (which was all that were out at that time) over Christmas break out of sheer enjoyment.  That was it.  The nerdy beginning of my relationship with books.

Seeing as how I've already gotten a little wordy, I'll try to keep the rest of this as short as possible.  But I'm going to share some of my favorites, with the hopes that you'll share some of your own.  And I'll end with some great quotes that were shared with me by a friend at school.  Here we go:

(in no particular order)

* The Harry Potter series
* The Hunger Games series
* The Twilight series
* The Notebook, The Choice, and the rest of the Nicholas Sparks books
* Little Women
* My Sister's Keeper and the other Jody Piccoult books that I've read so far

Coming Soon
(books I've yet to read, but am eager to)

* The Help
* The True Blood Collection
* Water for Elephants
* Bitter is the New Black and other Jen Lancaster books


* "It's not true that we have only one life to live; if we can read, we can live as many more lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish."    -S.I.Hayakawa
* "My test of a good novel is dreading to begin the last chapter."    ~Thomas Helm
* "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."   - Groucho Marx

:)  :)


  1. I've always liked to read. A librarian's daughter obligation...Gone with the Wind is one of my Favorite books and I like Grisham as well and lately I haven't been able to read and it is one thing I really enjoy to do. I hope my kids enjoy reading as well.

  2. I'm afraid the girlie (or kid) books don't have much draw as far as I'm concerned, which is probably to be expected.

    I for one love to read, however, and my favorites through the years have been Tom Clancy books, anything written by Stephen Hunter especially the Bob Lee Swagger series, Stephen Pressfield (The Gates of Fire especially) and much of military history. (Stephen Ambrose,Mark Bowden, etc..)

    Recently I have been enjoying "zombie apocalypse" books like: World War Z, Day By Day Armageddon, and I am Legend. (totally different than the movie)

    On my blackberry I have many E-books I have scored for free, which I read whenever I find myself in one of those "waiting around moments" (Navy has a few of those...) comprised of many of the classics I have either already read or have been meaning to read. Some notable examples are: The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Odyssey, and The Count of Monte Cristo.

  3. Thanks for commenting, Brad. I think your books might be a bit too smart for me. I like to escape when I read, not feel like I don't understand what's going on. But I do like the movie versions!

    As for the classics, I always did like the Odyssey. I read The Island of Dr. Moreau in high school...kind of wierd. I've never read the others you mentioned, but I might try The Count of Monte Cristo sometime.
