Saturday, November 13, 2010


Is it true? Does absence really make the heart grow fonder? If so, then you must REALLY love me now. Sorry, it's been so long since I've blogged. Things have just been...well...not great lately. Work has been overwhelming, extra-curriculars for the kids have been exhausting, and my health (although still stable on the leukemia front) has been iffy at best (upper respiratory infections, an ear infection, acute gastroenteritis, and just overall yuckiness). Suffice it to say, I haven't had blogging on the brain much. Not that I haven't tried. I've sat and stared at a blank screen on many occasions. I've even started numerous blogs that I just didn't think were blog-worthy after all.

Work is still overwhelming, I'm still not feeling great, but we're on a bit of a hiatus from the extra-curriculars for a while, so I thought I'd try to catch up a little bit.

Some thoughts on absence:

Absence can be a breath of fresh air: a break from your kids that you love, the rare day that the most difficult and annoying child in your class is absent (because those are always the kids that have the best attendance), the moment your pain (physical, mental, emotional) goes away

Absence can be a strain: having your spouse work an opposite schedule and not be around to help with the kids and chores (I don't know how single parents do it), taking a day off of work (even if it's truly needed, it's such a pain to prep for a sub), the absence of money

Absence can be annoying: absent-mindedness (especially your's so frustrating when I can't seem to remember anything), the absence of manners

Absence can be heartbreaking: the absence of faith (I think that would just be a very sad and lonely way to be), the death of a loved one

So, is it true? Does absence make the heart grow fonder? I think it depends on the situation. What do you think?


  1. I think it very much depends on the situation.

  2. Good thoughts, all of them. The flip side to that saying is "Absence makes the mind and heart wander". Sometimes I think that might be more true today than it ever was.

    Might I also add that absence can be frustrating...not having a plan or a direction in life and not feeling as if you have any support from anyone else no matter what decision you make.

  3. I can always count on you two...THANKS!
