Saturday, April 10, 2010

It's the Simple Things...

"All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope."
-- Sir Winston Churchill

"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
-- Antonio Smith

So this post isn't going to be anywhere close to as deep as either of these quotes, but it will be about some of the simple little things that have brought joy into my life recently...

~ Games: I had the pleasure of playing Catch Phrase for the first is a very fast paced, loud, addicting, and fun game. I was also able to play Cranium last night with my husband, little brother, and friend. Now usually, Josh (my little brother) and I are an unstoppable force. But since neither Kevin nor Ashley were that into the idea of the game, we decided not to totally destroy them...we split up our game winning powers and played against each other. It was still fun...and, of course, my team won. And yes, I realize that it's not the games that were important. It's the time, interaction, and laughter with family and friends.

~ A 2nd Fridge: After about a year of coming home from the store and getting frustrated trying to cram everything into our fridge, or portion out some of the drinks, and only buying 1 gallon of milk at a time...we finally got a second fridge! No, it's not fancy. Kevin found it for $40 on Craig's List. But it does it's job. It is in the garage, and it holds all of the drinks that we can now buy in bulk, and it allows us to actually have room in our regular fridge. Is it lame that I find so much happiness in a 2nd fridge? But I guess it's not actually the fridge that's got me so excited, but it's a convenience...and one less thing to have to think about.

~ Nice Weather: The weather has been so nice these last few days! The kids have gone outside and played for hours (not all at once, but totaled throughout the day)! They have fought less and sweated/laughed more! Although I haven't been feeling well a lot of the time, I've managed to make it out there with them a few times. Trampoline, roller blades/scooters, and good old fashioned imaginative can't beat that! And it's not the weather itself that has made me happy, but what the weather has allowed: good-natured fun (with less arguing and hurting each other), imagination, laughter, and smiles from the kids. Who wouldn't be happy about that?!

~ Texting/Facebook Wall Posts: Over the past few weeks, I have been doing more texting and posting on to people's walls on facebook. I was never a big fan of texting, but it's growing on me. I still don't know many of the texting short-hands, and I usually prefer to just type it the right way. But it is just a quick way to touch base with someone. It's the same thing with the facebook posts. It's a simple way (even if you're just leaving a sarcastic comment) of letting someone know that they're in your thoughts. Even though I'm not in the same town/state as some of these people, it's comforting to know they're never more than a click or two away. So, again, it's not really the technology that's doing something for's the ease of staying in touch with your loved ones.

So to wrap things up, I think the unifying theme for all of these is: family, friends, and convenience. And the most important of these is convenience. JUST KIDDING! But it is nice, though isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. The ease and convenience of keeping in touch is nice. I love being able to hop online and send an e-mail instantly or post some silly thing on Facebook. It's such a different world than when I grew up. To this day I don't really even like talking on the phone. (Long distance calls were always for bad news back then.) But I do still like to get a hand-written letter by snail mail every once in a while. And I do worry sometimes that our culture will begin to eliminate the human, personal connection of communication...face to face, eyeball to eyeball, all within touching distance.
