Saturday, February 20, 2010

It Happens...

A few of these things might be better under the category sh*@ happens, but I didn't think that would be very appropriate. Anyway, here goes...

~There are 2 grown adults that I'm pretty sure could benefit from a good slap across the face. They repeatedly frustrate me. Oh happens.

~Today I was nice enough to get donuts for the kids. After I pay, Hannah starts to get teary-eyed because I won't let her get chocolate milk...even though we have milk and chocolate syrup at home. I tell her to be grateful for what she's getting. When we get home and I make their milk extra chocolatey, she spills ever so slightly which gives Mason 1/2 a sip more than her. And in her whiniest of whiny voices she says, "Awwwe, Mason has moorrre than me!" I just ignore it and think, "You know what Hannah? I love you, but it happens."

~As soon as I start feeling better from my rib infection (yes, that's right...a rib infection), my neck, back, and knees start killing me again. And my sinuses flair up. ..... It happens.

~Almost every night Mason cries when we force him to eat even the tiniest amount of vegetables. Now, we're not talking brussel sprouts and spinach here. We're talking buttery corn, salad with lots of ranch, broccoli and carrots with pasta in a cheesy sauce. He knows the eat what we eat (at least a little bit). Yet every night, he seems surprised that we're actually making him do it. Come on, Mason...every happens.

~I love writing this blog and my notes on facebook. It's very intrinsic, fun, and sometimes therapeutic for me. But no matter how much I tell myself I'm just doing it for me, I get very disappointed when I don't get the comments I wanted. I need to keep telling myself, "It's happens."

But GOOD things happen, too!

~Just when you think that all 19 of these 2nd graders have lost their minds, one of them replies with a "Yes, ma'am"...or actually says "Thank you". Really! It happens.

~One minute I'm pleading with Hannah and Mason to get their rooms clean. The next minute, they come to me and say, "OK, I did it. Do you want me to do anything else?" ... It happens.

~Just when I spend a week in pain thinking I'm going to need to have my gallbladder removed, it turns out to be a bacterial infection that was easy to treat with a $4 Kroger medication. It happens!

~Every day this week, Hannah came home with some kind of prize/token for good behavior. She had a reward ticket, a sticker, a pencil, a positive note, and the grand prize of having lunch in the classroom with her teacher. She said, "Wow, Mommy! This week was so good, I think I'll do my best more often!" Ah yes, the light bulb finally turned on. It happens.

~Mason started soccer this week. He's actually excited about getting exercise. I hope his excitement lasts. The cycle of laziness may be ending. (Knock on wood...cross your fingers) It happens.


  1. I love the one about kids saying "Thank you!" it can really turn the day around, especially when you helped them with learning.

  2. I know I'm just your mother, but I love reading everything you write, even if I don't always comment. We're so much alike in some things, though, because when I think about how many of my "friends" on facebook get my notes and thoughts, it's quite humbling that usually the only responses I get are from my children and maybe one or two others. Is it a time constraint on them, I wonder, or am I just that boring that nothing deserves a response...even a negative one?

    Take heart. Kids go through phases with food. Keep trying and Mason will come around, or maybe not. Maybe he'll be like Brad and never eat a vegetable. You just keep trying. That's where vitamins come in so handy.

  3. Oh Tracy, I love you...and it didn't just happen!! You are amazing, loving, patient and hilarious!!! Of course you need a sense of humor to live with Kevin, but don't we all.

    I loved reading all of this, but especially thinking of a few things:
    1. So glad you are better. We were praying, even though you didn't know it, God did.
    2. I cannot wait to see Hannah as a should be a trip!!!
    3. I can't understand why Mason doesn't like exercise. Kevin is so athletic and vibrant and teaches "Tarate" and all. (See, I am making myself laugh now)
    4. Some things change and get better (they help, they appreciate, they laugh with you and at themselves) Some things don't. Yesterday, I cooked stir-fry Asian chicken for lunch. As I dished out the plates, I had to make sure there was no broccoli on Levi's plate. "It will make him throw-up, right mom?" says Becca. "Right Becca, good catch" Yes, the boy is almost 19...some things don't change... and we wouldn't want them to.

    Love you, love yours, miss you all,


  4. You are so witty and I don't know why there is always some comment about you putting up with me on every thing that people write. Also, what was that comment about breaking the cycle of laziness, I know that was not directed at me.
